Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New Storage Building

Last week Jim and Shonda had a new 10X12 ft. storage building delivered to their back yard. This joined a 10X10 ft. storage building that they had delivered five months ago, which was filled with items that Shonda wanted brought up from the house in Fountain Valley that I sold.

Before delivery, Jim had his next door neighbor bring over his front loader and put down a combination of dirt and gravel for a bass on which to set the storage unit.

Then they hauled in the new storage building on a special trailer.

A cable was attached to the bottom of the building and winched off the trailer. The delivery driver dropped the building in exactly the place they wanted it positioned.

I helped Jim for a couple of days to put in wall insulation and inside wall paneling before we put in two rows of heavy duty shelving on three sides. Yesterday, they started moving items that were stored in one of their bedrooms out into the new storage building. This will give Shonda more room to sort through all the items they have packed in just about every room of their house.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    You have very good work. Recently i also bought a high quality Portable Building.
