After leaving Eugene, I drove on down I-5 to Seven Feathers Casino, where I parked the coach and drove the car back to Myrtle Creek to visit my good friend Will Garner and his new wife, Darline. When I drove up his driveway and saw all the posts and wire fencing, I thought he was putting in animal inclosures, but Will was in the middle of putting in a terraced vegetable garden. He had already put up the retaining walls of 2" by 10" and 2" by 8" planks. He had put 4" by 4" posts in concrete to support the planks and all we had to do was cut down the top of the hill and fill in the low spots in the terrace. Well, it was not all that easy. The ground was very rocky and we had to use a pick to break up the soil. Will bought a new roto tiller to help with the process and it did a fantastic job, but to break up the really hard stuff, we used a pick. Here are a few pictures.
Here is a picture of the small roto-tiller. It has a 2-cycle motor.
You can see how rocky the soil was.
This is Darline in the kitchen fixing supper for us. After a workout in the yard, it tasted GREAT!!!
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