As part of a fire cadet's training, they are exposed to real flames as they practice techniques they learned in the class room previously. To accomplish this several props were set up and set afire with the use of liquid propane. Since safety is the most important thing in these exercises, there are twice as many hose lines being deployed on the flame than is needed PLUS two more hose lines at the flanks ready to jump into action should an incident arise.
This is one class exercise that family and friends can attend. They must stay behind a chain-link fenced at a safe distance to observe the activities. I was allowed to circulate in the exercise area to photograph the cadets in action, by wearing a set of protective "turnouts". In conjunction with using great caution along with a focus on staying out of the firefighters way, I was able to capture many photos that portray how serious all concerned take this exercise. I am posting a few of them in this blog.
Here is the outfit that I wore.
This is what the typical cadet wore. (Click on photo below and checkout the eyes.)
Here are a few of the 140 photos that I was able to take:
The next two photos were taken of another prop that they used.
I have many more pictures I would like to post, but space is a factor. However, there are a few more photos that I want to show time.
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